How to Interview and Hire Top People Each and Every Time
Below are several reasons why traditional hiring and interviewing techniques are inadequate:
The majority of applicants “exaggerate” to get a job.
Most hiring decisions are made by intuition during the first few minutes of the interview.
Two out of three hires prove to be a bad fit within the first year on the job.
Most interviewers are not properly trained, nor do they like to interview applicants.
Excellent employees are misplaced and grow frustrated in jobs where they are unable to utilize their strengths
The most difficult to determine, as well as the most important part of the process, is identifying the people skills a person brings to the job. Each applicant wears a “mask.” A good interviewing and selecting process discovers who is behind that mask and determines if a match exists between the individual and the job. By understanding the applicant’s personality style, values, and motivations, you are guaranteed to improve your hiring and selecting process. Pre-employment profiles are an important aspect of the hiring process for a growing number of employers. By using behavioral assessments and personality profiles, organizations can quickly learn how the person will interact with their co-workers, customers, and direct reports. They provide an accurate analysis of an applicant’s behaviors and attitudes, otherwise left to subjective judgment.